Our expedition of Life from corporate to farming

The year of pandemic, everywhere there was fear, panic and totally filed with darkness. Having to isolate at home, when everyone was depressed about life, we thanked this COVID which gave us an opportunity to work from farm.

This taught us how to live with the nature and how much nature plays a vital role for human beings, in terms of producing oxygen, ecological balance and go green environment for a good health and sustainability of human life.

All these above values, made us to think strongly and give a healthy environment and nature as a gift to our daughter, Chanasyaa.

As we establish our firm, we are working extensively to extend our gift to all the coming generations. Nature is the precious gift what we can leave for the next generation.

Here we go… Our journey starts, as we look forward to have you all join us to give this gift for our little ones, “Chanasyaa Agri Farm”!

Why Chanasyaa Agri Farm

  • Our major focus is to save the soil fertility by adapting the natural farming practices.
  • We are majorly focusing on cost effective method of farming.
  • We educate farmers on how to create multiple sources of income which will in turn help in contributing to the National GDP.
  • We proudly state that we are able to guide and help hundreds of existing farmers and many new upcoming corporate farmers, regarding the growing methodologies, techniques and also to help them to market their yield.
  • We have also formed a Famers Association, where you could connect with many seniors and innovative farmers to get the real time experience and proper roadmap to see the success in agriculture.
  • The whole idea of our firm is to educate the farmers about how to use and adapt to latest technologies in both pre and post harvesting activities.
  • These Phenomenal elements have given us the strength to protect our farmers.